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LHTAC T2 Center
This class can be applied as an elective to the Road Scholar/Road Master program. This training will provide the regulatory background as well as the technical accessibility design.
This 4 hour workshop is a core requirement for the Road Scholar program. It will include the basics of work zone traffic control set up and operation, as well as the procedures for proper and safe flagging.
This course is a core requirement for the Road Master program. This class is also a per-requisite to the Traffic Control Supervisor course (TCS). This class is offered as an introduction to the basic principles of temporary work zone traffic control, this one-day training course is designed to instruct the participant in the underlying principles of temporary traffic control as set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
This class is a core requirement for the Road Scholar Program. This workshop covers math concepts and procedures performed in daily work activities. It is is designed as a refresher class on basic math fundamentals.
This course is a core requirement for the Road Scholar Program. It replaces the Pavement Maintenance 1 requirement.
This is a core requirement for the Road Scholar Program. The course will provide a basic understanding of how soils and aggregates interact and how to provide a proper roadway section under various conditions.
This class can be used as an elective for the Road Scholar/Road Master program. It will cover winter maintenance techniques, with the use of various types of equipment, anti-icing chemicals, and application methods.
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